5:15pm Concert and Symphonic Band Students Arrive
5:30pm PNHS Concert and Symphonic Band Rehearsal on Stage, Wind Ensemble/9th Grade Perc. students arrive, Homerooms Open for Middle Schools
5:45pm Wind Ensemble/9th Grade Perc. Call Time in Band Room
6:00pm All Bands Meet in the Auditorium, Setup and Rehearse Squirrel Chase
6:30pm Middle School mini-rehearsals on stage or in band room
6:55pm In Places
7:00pm Concert Begins (8pm is estimated time of conclusion)
ORDER: HGMS, IJMS, CB/SB, Wind Ensemble, Combined
Concert Attire: Halloween Costumes!! Costumes must be school appropriate, non-offensive towards others, may not have a mask, no weapons(fake or real-yikes!), and the costumes may not inhibit your ability to perform. If you do not want to wear a costume, wear your concert blacks.