WWe welcome 8th grade brass and woodwinds this week to begin working with the 9th-11th graders. On Tuesday, rehearsal will be from 6-8pm on the eastside (water tower side) of the school. Plan to arrive 15 minutes early to check-in for COVID protocols. Drop off by the tennis courts. Please look at the map for specifics on where to go. (SEE BELOW)
Please self-certify that you are symptom free and contact free of COVID-19 on your phone and show one of the band directors upon arrival. If you already checked-in from the school day, please just notify us. Here is the link to certify: http://www.psd202.org/covid.php
If you are on a 14-day quarantine as directed by a school administrator, you cannot come to rehearsal.
Currently, rehearsals are optional.
These rehearsals will be dedicated to movement and fitness. Students will not need their instruments. Students will need to wear athletic clothing, athletic shoes (running shoes are best), have water bottles, and you will need to bring a towel to lay down on hard surfaces such as the parking lot or gym. Most importantly, WEAR A MASK!!
Rehearsals may change places(inside or outside), be shortened, or cancelled, due to weather conditions and space availability. Updates will be given via text through Remind.