Hey, Tigers!
It’s time to kick-off summer with our annual mini-camp. Mini-camp will run Monday to Thursday (6/7-6/10) from 6-9pm.
Please look over the list of materials needed: http://www.pnhsbands.com/2021/05/30/marching-band-equipment-checklist/
Plan to meet in the STADIUM, unless otherwise communicated from your section staff. You will need to show your self-certification GREEN SCREEN for COVID-19 as you enter the stadium. Go to http://www.psd202.org/covid.php Sign-in with your student ID. Easiest if you certify before you arrive and take a screenshot of your green screen. If students do not have a phone to show this, they will go through a different check-in procedure, which includes temperature checks.
ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to be at mini-camp, however, we understand that it is summer and some families have other commitments. From here on out, if a student needs to miss rehearsal, parents need to fill out this form for each occurrence: http://www.pnhsbands.com/absence-request-form/
VERY IMPORTANT FINAL ROSTER NOTE: We will be finalizing the roster with Monday’s attendance to have materials ready in time for band camp in August. Students not accounted for, which is those that have not been in attendance/filled out the attendance paperwork, and who have not completed the first payment will be dropped from the roster.
Thanks and we look forward to a great summer!
Tim Hatcher
Director of Bands