By-Laws of the Plainfield North High School Band Boosters
This document reflects proposed changes to the By-Laws of the Plainfield North High School Band Boosters. Proposed changes are shown in Bold Italic typeface. Truncated sections indicate that only the Section Number has changed, due to additional Sections inserted above.
By-Laws of the Plainfield North High School Band Boosters Plainfield, Illinois
(Adopted June 20, 2007)
Amended April 8, 2008
Amended January 11, 2016
Amended March 6, 2019
Section 4
The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of all funds of the organization, receive all monies payable to the organization, deposit all such monies in the name of Plainfield North High School Band Boosters in such banks or other depositories as shall be selected by the Executive Board, and disburse those funds as needed, with an accounting of receipts and disbursements at all general meetings and Executive Board meetings. The Treasurer will seek a preliminary budget from the Band Director no later than January 1 of each year. The Treasurer shall also perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to them by the President or the Executive Board.
Section 1 The Fundraising Committee chairperson will be responsible for recruiting and maintaining membership for the fundraising committee, and holding monthly fundraising committee meetings. The chairperson will provide monthly updates to the Executive Board on the committee’s activities.
Updated: 11 January 2016 Page 1
Section 2
Section 3
The fundraising chairperson will be responsible for appointing an event chairperson for each fundraising event.
During the January and February fundraising committee meetings, the committee will prepare a plan for the annual fundraising activities based on the Preliminary Budget presented to the Treasurer. The Fundraising Committee chairperson will present a fundraising plan to the Executive Board at the March meeting of the Band Boosters.
Each fundraising event shall be facilitated as follows:
- There shall be one over-all event chairperson
- The event chairperson shall coordinate the sale
- The event chairperson shall maintain records for each student whoparticipated, including but not limited to:o Itemssoldo Itemsreturned-monetarycreditsdueo Moniescollected
o MoniesoutstandingAt the end of the fundraising event, the chairperson shall consolidate and validate information for the event in a timely manner and submit a status report to the Fundraising Committee chairperson and the Treasurer.For two weeks following the close of the fundraising event,
The Fall and Spring Plainfield Band Booster Craft Shows shall continue
By-Laws of the Plainfield North High School Band Boosters
Section 4
Section 5Section 6
Amended March 6, 2019.
In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names the 6th day of March, 2019.
Jason Rausch, President
Anne Waite, Vice-President Gina & Robert Schroeder, Treasurer Theresa Whitney, Secretary Tim Hatcher, Director